Leadership and Staff

College Leadership Team

College Leadership Team

The 3 campuses are collectively led by the Executive Team:

Principal: Damien Judd

Deputy Principal: Brett Czechowski

Assistant Principal for Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM): Rebecca Sinclair

Assistant Principal - Head of Campus (St Teresa's Campus R-6) & Teaching and Learning R-12: Jenna Edwards

Assistant Principal - Head of Campus (Our Lady Help of Christians Campus R-6): Matt Quist

Assistant Principal - Head of Campus (Saint John's Campus 7-12): Tanya Gibson 

Business Manager: Terry Costello

The Principal, Deputy, APRIM, Ass Prin Teaching & Learning and Business Manager work across all campuses. The College Leadership Team meet regularly to plan, discuss, share, manage and lead the college as a three campus, Reception to Year 12 entity.


Our Lady Help of Christians Campus

Class Teachers

Reception - Simran Morani

Reception - Jenna Warren (Leader of Well-Being and Student Agency)

Reception/Year 1 - Savannah Crompton

Year 1/2 - Olivia Marschall 

Year 1/2 - Sophie Peden

Year 3/4 - Ashleigh Mayne (Ass. Leader of Learning 3-6) / Sophie Lynch

Year 3/4 - Emily Shiell

Year 5/6 - Jo Arcobelli/Kelsey Coad

Year 5/6 - Damien Marinkovich

Our Lady Help of Christians Campus
Saint Teresa's Campus

Saint Teresa's Campus

Class Teachers

Reception -  Kristin Davies/Lisa Judd

Reception - Stacey Raymond/Lisa Judd

Reception - Sharon Harris

Year 1/2 - Kylie Fechner

Year 1/2 - 

Year 1/2 -  

Year 3/4 - 

Year 3/4 - 

Year 5/6 - 

Year 5/6 - 

Specialist Teaching Staff (Primary)

Natasha Free - Italian - Cross Campus

Natasha Free - The Arts - Our Lady Help of Christians Campus (R-2)

Kelsey Coad - The Arts - Our Lady Help of Christians Campus (3-6)

Winnie Fitzgerald - The Arts - St Teresa's Campus

Dale Raymond - Physical Education - Cross Campus 

Kathryn Perry - STEM - St Teresa's Campus

Abby Thiele - STEM - Our Lady Help of Christians Campus


Saint John's Campus

Campus Leadership

Assistant Principal - Head of Campus
Tanya Gibson

Director of Campus Administration and Inclusive Education
Jodie Hopkins

Director of Students - Junior School (Years 7-9)
Bec Clark

Director of Students - Senior School (Years 10-12)
Michael Baker

Saint John's Campus

Caregroup Teachers


House Leader: 

JB1 - 

JB2 - 

JB3 - 

SB1 - 

SB2 - 

SB3 - 



House Leader: 

JM1 - 

JM2 - 

JM3 - 

SM1 - 

SM2 - 

SM3 - 



House Leader: 

JR1 - 

JR2 - 

JR3 -

SR1 - 

SR2 - 

SR2 - 

Teachers without caregroups

Rachael Anderson - Art, Food & Nutrition

Tallulah (Tully) Boyle - Maths & Visual Arts

Adel Elhalawani - Mathematics

Hayden Gill - PE & Outdoor Living

Gail Carr - The Arts

Matt Thursby - Technology Studies and Doorways 2 Construction

Jillian Turnbull - Relief Teacher

Caitlin Sharp - Science

Kar-Lee Yarwood - Mathematics & Science

Amber Young - Mathematics & Science