School Fees
Contributions made by families towards their children’s education are an integral component of the overall funding received by the College. Commonwealth and State funding contribute around 75% of overall income that we rely on to operate efficiently and to deliver quality tuition to your children.
As a matter of equity among families that attend the College, there is an expectation by the Board that the complete sum of fees payable on behalf of each student is completely paid within the school year.
Parents and guardians agree at the time of enrolment that they will be responsible for their children’s fees while at the College. There is an expectation that this commitment will be honoured. In the event of hardship, remissions are available to families and the application process is sensitive and highly confidential.
Direct Debit Payments
To set up a direct debit payment, please download the form and return it to the College.
Credit Card Payments
Payments using your Visa or Mastercard, can be made in person at any of our campuses or over the phone.
EFT Payments
Account Name: Samaritan College
BSB: 105 054
Account Number: 062724540
Reference: ‘Please enter your 11 digit reference number starting with 8048*******"
Fortnightly Centrelink Centrepay
Fortnightly deductions Quote Number 555 071068C on your application.