Spiritual Life
Our young people are in our care for 7 hours per day. This is a significant time of influence, where the social and emotional education of students can occur informally or formally.
We are charged with the responsibility of guiding developing individuals towards living responsible and just lives. Their moral decision making, sense of integrity and respect for each others' dignity as well as their own, are essential values for responsible citizenship.
Parents are the first and continuing educators of their children. We act 'in loco paretis' during the students' time at school, and we take this responsibility seriously.
Mass & Religious Celebrations
We strive to be a vibrant faith community.
Whole college Masses take place throughout the year, and each year level celebrates its own Mass at either St Teresa's Church or OLHC Church.
These Masses connect us both with the wider Church community through The Catholic Parish of Whyalla and the Port Pirie Diocese.
We invite parents and members of the college community to all of our major celebrations.
Our religious identity plays a key role in the life of the college:
- Liturgy and daily prayer is inclusive of all students and their families
- Celebrations of the Eucharist engage children and young people with age-appropriate liturgy
- Formal Religious Education curriculum is the first learning area at Samaritan College for all students (Reception to Year 12) and is based on Crossways Curriculum Guidelines for Catholic schools
- Family-centered Sacramental celebrations and preparation take place with the College in partnership with parents and the Catholic Parish of Whyalla community at both Our Lady help of Christian and Saint Teresa's Churches.
- The Made in the Image of God Human Sexuality Program is taught across the school R-12 in partnership with parents/caregivers
- A Social Justice focus is central to the heart of the schools philosophy and hence the College commemorates National Reconciliation Week as a central celebration in the school calendar.